
CIOB launches the new home for online learning

The Chartered Institute of Building launches Continuing Professional Development (CPD) portal

Saul Townsend

Head of Content & Communications

Last updated: 30th July 2014

To meet the growing learning needs of busy, knowledgeable construction professionals the Chartered Institute of Building has launched a brand new CPD portal for CIOB members.

The online system hosts a wide variety of CPD content on many subjects and in many formats including video, PowerPoint presentations, textual and magazine articles all available to the CIOB membership community worldwide.

“Members have been calling for online access to CPD content so we are delighted to deliver this solution. Not only is it accessible online it’s also accessible on the move for mobile users,’ said Bridget Bartlett deputy chief executive at the CIOB.

She added, “This is the beginning of our CPD journey online and we fully expect it to get bigger and better as members get involved. This is not only an opportunity to learn it’s also an opportunity for members to share their expertise with others by taking part and producing their own content for review.  This platform wouldn’t have been possible without our publisher Atom Publishing and our thanks and appreciation go to them for making it possible.”

Key benefits

  • The CPD portal is very simple to use with users able to select suggested training on their homepage or search for training under different specialty categories or by using keywords


  • CIOB members only need to register once, the training tracker records all training taken on the Portal and allows external training to also be added, creating one central place for users to record all their training documentation


  • Individual training certificates are provided on the completion of each training module and a full summary training report can also be generated


  • Users can study on the move with mobile and tablet apps and benefit from a host of compelling content


To access the portal visit

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