2014 AGM Notice
Chartered Institute of Building announces its 183rd Annual General Meeting to be held on Monday 16 June 2014.
Notice is hereby given that the one hundred and eighty-third Annual General Meeting and the thirty-third of The Chartered Institute of Building will be held on Monday 16 June 2014 at 0900hrs at Four Seasons Hotel, Doha, Qatar for the purposes set out below.
By order of the Board of Trustees
Samantha Teague
Institute Secretary
May 2014
Note: All classes of members are welcome to attend the meeting and, with the permission of the Chair, to speak. Only Fellows and Members personally present are entitled to vote upon any Resolution. Voting shall be by a show of hands, unless a poll is demanded in accordance with Bye-Law 48.
1. Notice convening the meeting.
2. Apologies for absence.
3. To confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting held on 18 June 2013 (see note below).
4. To consider the Annual Report of The Chartered Institute of Building including Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2013.
5. To appoint the auditors of the Institute and to authorise the Board of Trustees to agree their remuneration.
6. To consider the composition of the Board of Trustees for 2014/2015:
6.1 Installation of the new President.
6.2 Declaration of the election by the Board of Trustees of Officers & co-opted members.
6.3 Confirmation of the Board of Trustees following election and selection.
6.4 Vote of thanks from the Incoming President.
7. Any other business.
8. Date of next meeting - June 2015
Note 1: Copies of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting held on 18 June 2013 will be available at the Annual General Meeting on 16 June 2014. Any member who requires copies prior to the meeting should apply to the Institute Secretary at CIOB, 1 Arlington Square, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1WA, UK.
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