CIOB Library
The CIOB library offers our Chartered Members, Fellows, Student Members and Applicants a collection of construction-related online journals and e-books which can be accessed anywhere in the world, day or night.
How to access the Library
Contact us to request a username and a password. Once you have user log-in details, please follow the link to the right to access the library.
We can offer advice on search techniques, but we do not undertake literature research on behalf of members.
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How to Use the Library
Download instructions on how to use the library's search functions fully. It covers topics such as searching for a book, journal, a specific author or an article.
Technical Publications
Visit our Technical Publications page for a growing range of Codes, Guides and Technical Information Sheets on various professions and topics.
Find out more
Technical Publications: Discount Codes
Discount codes are available for CIOB members. These can be accessed in the Learning tab on the Members' Portal.