Response to the APPG Private Rented Sector on the inquiry into Energy Efficiency of Private Rented Housing
CIOB provided a response to the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the Private Rented Sector (PRS) on the inquiry into Energy Efficiency of Private Rented Housing, Chaired by Oliver Colvile MP
Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) consultation Corporate responsibility: a call for views which ran from 27 June 2013 to 27 September 2013.
The CIOB response can be accessed below and our comments featured in the final report under points 4.2.2 and 4.6.2 primarily around heritage buildings and lack of knowledge for landlords on simple repair and maintenance. The APPGs report, released on 24 February 2016, can also be accessed below.
Related Link: APPG Private Rented Sector, Improving the Energy Efficiency of Private Rented Housing, 24 February 2016