Response to consultation on National Policy on Architecture (Ireland)
The quality of our built environment affects our everyday lives; it has a critical role in giving a distinctive sense of place to our cities, towns, villages and countryside. It is a responsibility of the Built Heritage and Architectural Policy Section to promote best practice in modern architecture and urban design. With that in mind, a consultation on a national policy on architecture was launched in late 2019, and the CIOB was invited to respond.
The National Policy on Architecture discussion document covers off the main themes that the policy will cover.
To ensure that we captured the breadth of views from thousands of CIOB members across Ireland, we ran a month-long consultation using the discussion document provided by the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (DCHG). Members’ views were collected using a digital survey, to complement the internal expertise of the CIOB’s policy team. The CIOB also attended the workshops hosted by DCHG during the consultation period. Ideas gathered from these workshops, along with the policy team’s and our members’ views have been collated under the questions from the discussion document, and together represent the CIOB’s response to this consultation.
Response to consultation on National Policy on Architecture (Ireland)
The CIOB’s response covers 5 main headings: designing for climate resilience and sustainability, designing quality places for public benefit, respecting our past, shaping our future, leadership and knowledge & innovation. A copy of our response can be accessed below. If you would like to discuss further please contact JKilroy@ciob.org.uk.