Response to the MHCLG consultation on Building a Safer Future: Proposals for reform of the building safety regulatory system
The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) is seeking views on proposals for a radically new building and fire safety system which puts residents’ safety at its heart.
This consultation builds on the recommendations from Dame Judith Hackitt’s Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety. It proposes fundamental reform of building safety requirements so that residents are safe, and feel safe, in their homes.
The proposals span 5 broad areas:
- the scope of the new regime
- the concept of dutyholders who have clear responsibilities throughout a building’s design, construction and occupation
- giving residents a stronger voice in the system and ensuring their concerns are never ignored
- plans for a new building safety regulator to provide oversight of the new building safety regulatory regime
- strengthened enforcement and sanctions to deter non-compliance with the new regime
Related Link: Building a Safer Future: Proposals for reform of the building safety regulatory system consultation
Response to the MHCLG consultation on Building a Safer Future: Proposals for reform of the building safety regulatory system
The CIOB submission, as well as the formal consultation document, can be accessed below.