Response to the Environmental Audit Committee – 25-Year Environment Plan Inquiry
The Government published its long-awaited 25-Year Plan for the Environment on 11 January 2018.
The Plan sets out a number of 25-year goals and a combination of new and existing strategies, targets, mechanisms and commitments in order to meet those goals. The Government proposes to update the Plan every 5 years and to report annually on progress to Parliament. The Government will develop a set of indicators to monitor progress.
The Environmental Audit Committee has since launched a short inquiry into the Government’s 25-Year Plan for the Environment. The Committee will also scrutinise the Plan’s proposals in specific areas as part of its regular work programme.
The CIOB, utilising member input and the expertise of our Sustainability SIG has formed a response to the Committee.
The CIOB is encouraged by both the intent and a number of the ambitions of the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan. We welcome the positive commitments in the government’s plan which would help drive further sustainability improvements and encourage planners and developers to further improve the environmental impact of their projects.
To access our full response please see below. Additionally if you would like any further information please contact policy@ciob.org.uk
Related Link: DEFRA, A Green Future: Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment