Response to Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Roadmap for the Built Environment in Ireland
The draft roadmap is part of the World Green Building Council (WGBC) #BuildingLife campaign to develop ten national and one EU–wide Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Road-maps. The draft lays out the necessary steps for the industry and government to halve the built environment emissions by 2030.
This draft was open for public comment and feedback until the 7th of July 2022.
The CIOB has responded, emphasising the importance of building adaptability; agreeing clear criteria to decide between reuse and demolition of buildings; prioritising additionality in retrofit policy; the location of development, and the importance of supply side measures, particularly green skills, in the construction sector.
Read our response below.
The final version of the Roadmap for Net Zero Whole Life Carbon (WLC) in the Built Environment in Ireland will be released in September 2022.