Fire safety changes to the local building regulations in Northern Ireland
Fire safety measures in buildings established through the local Building Regulations contribute significantly to maintaining life safety standards for occupants/residents and firefighters alike, not to mention the contribution they make in terms of property protection.
The proposed consultation contains amendments to uplift fire safety protection measures in a range of buildings. They are mainly focused on residential buildings and in particular domestic multi-residential buildings, to provide assurance and additional safety measures to residents. Some amendments are aimed at assisting the Fire and Rescue Service to ensure they can provide an effective operational response. The intended effect of the proposals is to reduce the consequences of fire through saving lives and preventing injuries.
The CIOB's response draws on the significant work the CIOB has undertaken as part of the Building Safety Act in England, as well as our contributions to the Expert Panel on Building Safety Northern Ireland.
For further information please contact JKilroy@ciob.org