Northern Ireland Manifesto 2022
The 2022 Northern Ireland Assembly election was held on 5 May 2022. It elected 90 members to the Northern Ireland Assembly.
What the 2022 Assembly election results mean for the built environment
Following the full election results, the CIOB has written a blog post analysing what each of the three biggest political parties - measured by share of seats - have said about the built environment in their manifestos.
Click here to read our blog post analysing the results.
The main political parties in Northern Ireland have published their manifestos, setting out their plans and policy intentions for the next parliamentary term.
Click here to read our analysis of the manifestos.
Election Timeline & Results
The timeline of events for the Northern Ireland Assembly Election 2022 are as follows:
Pre-election period: Thursday 29 March - 5 May
Publication of statement of persons nominated: 6.00pm on Friday 8 April
Dissolution of Northern Ireland Assembly: Monday 28 March
Polling Day: Thursday 5 May
Results: Sinn Féin became the largest party, with 27 seats. The DUP won 25. The Alliance Party became the third-largest party in the Assembly with 17 seats.
Further information on the results of the Assembly elections is available on the Electoral Office of Northern Ireland's website
What is CIOB doing?
In advance of the election, CIOB wrote a manifesto addressing what we believe should be the key priorities for the future Northern Ireland Assembly, if it is to position the construction industry and wider-built environment as central to Northern Ireland’s recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.
The manifesto is available to download here.
Our manifesto calls for a commitment to adopt a Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill in Northern Ireland, which can be modelled off the Welsh Wellbeing of Future Generations Act (2015). The Act in Wales, which is the first of its kind, has been attracting global attention because it looks to combat the short-termism inherent in modern democracies. Adopting such a Bill in Northern Ireland will ensure that policy is joined up and works for the long-term, particularly when it comes to the built environment.
In order to do this, we have focused on four core themes:
- A stable policy environment to encourage quality and long term thinking
- Education
- Net zero
- Procurement
We are calling on the future Northern Ireland Government to:
- Create a stable policy environment for the construction sector with long term strategies for housing and retrofit, a national development plan, and accompanying financial commitments
- Ringfence funding for the development of an A-Level in construction
- Introduce measures in public procurement that require employers to sign-up to sector-led Equality Diversity and Inclusion Charters
- Develop a retrofit education and training to train construction technicians and professionals in the skills they will need to decarbonise our existing building stock.
How can you be involved?
Construction is one of the supporting pillars of the Northern Irish economy, contributing around 7% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employing over 50,000 people prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. Beyond the statistics, construction’s contribution reaches far beyond this. The industry helps to create and maintain the places that people live, work and play in, providing the infrastructure that supports them and the services that sustain them.
We want to ensure that the socio-economic value of the construction industry and the wider built environment is recognised by Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly (MLAs) and secure the position of the industry at the front and centre of efforts to help Northern Ireland build back from the pandemic.
For construction professionals and CIOB members
- Contact your local candidate about our vision for the built environment in Northern Ireland: Prospective MLAs are more likely to respond and engage to a personalised correspondence, written by local people, passionate about the construction sector and their local economy.
We have drafted a template letter to help you share the CIOB's manifesto and raise awareness of the key issues affecting the built environment in Northern Ireland, which you can edit and expand to include your own points. Download the template letter and copy and paste it into your email. When you send it, please make sure to copy in the CIOB Policy & Public Affairs team at policy@ciob.org.uk so we can keep track of any replies.
Candidate Letter
We have drafted a template letter to help communicate the CIOB’s manifesto and raise awareness of the key issues affecting Northern Ireland, which you can edit and expand to make your own points to candidates.
- Ask candidates to show their support for the built environment on social media by sharing our social media pack: We have prepared some social media assets which can be used to easily highlight the key themes of our manifesto. We are also drafting a tweet, LinkedIn and Facebook post to send to your local candidates, raising awareness of the key themes set out in the manifesto and the opportunities for the built environment in Northern Ireland.
For Assembly Members
- Arrange a meeting with the CIOB to discuss our manifesto: Should you wish to speak about any of our manifesto recommendations, or if you would like to receive regular briefings from the CIOB, please contact policy@ciob.org.uk.
Candidate Letter & Social Media Assets
CIOB Northern Ireland Assembly Election 2022 Manifesto
Ahead of the 2022 Assembly elections, the CIOB has set out its vision for the future of the built environment in Northern Ireland, developed in close consultation with our members.