The Wider Built Environment Campaign

Read CIOB's Manifesto for the Built Environment

The next UK General Election will be held on 4 July 2024. This manifesto, outlines potential future policies for the next government under each of our corporate plan themes.

David Barnes

Policy & Public Affairs Manager

Last updated: 28th May 2024

CIOB's Manifesto for the Built Environment

In advance of the election, CIOB has published a manifesto addressing what we believe should be the key priorities for the future government. 

The construction sector, and the quality of what it produces, impacts every member of society. It is a key economic driver that is intrinsically tied to economic prosperity, health, productivity, sustainability and wellbeing. Therefore, to ensure that future policy makers understand what more can be to improve the built environment for both its creators and users we have designed our manifesto around key policy asks under each of our corporate plan values. 

In the manifesto these are catagorised as: 

  • Sustainability 
  • Quality & Safety
  • Future of Construction 
  • People & Skills

Under each heading you can find our main policy asks. These are broken down into those that could be achieved in the first 100 days of a new government as well as those which could be more long-term ambitions.

The full manifesto is available to download below. 

CIOB's Manifesto for the Built Environment

Ahead of the 2024 General Election, CIOB has set out its vision for the future of the built environment in the UK.

CIOB's General Election Resource Page

In the coming weeks we will be publishing a General Election Resource Page. Here you will be able to read updates about the election, including blogs on what the election means for the built environment, find your candidate and write to them about CIOB's work as well as look at our live election timeline.