Conference In Person

CIOB Wales Construction Cymru Conference

by CIOB Wales

Event details

  • Swansea Arena | Arena Abertawe, Bae Copr Bay
  • 18 March 2025
  • 12:00 PM - 06:00 PM GMT

Event fees

General Admission


CIOB Members


Early Bird Tickets - general sale


Early Bird Tickets - CIOB members


CIOB Assist Optional Donation


CIOB Assist Optional Donation



We look forward to welcoming you to our inaugural conference where you will be able to access critical CPD topics and network in one hit.

Join us at this stunning, purpose built, modern venue for our first Wales CIOB conference. We are bringing together a variety of experts representing different sectors of the industry to inform, debate and discuss the issues that matter to our construction community.

A great opportunity to clock up some CPD hours as well as network with a diverse range of built environment professionals. We look forward to welcoming you.

Members: gain 3 CIOB CPD points (per session) when you reflect on the ethical aspects of your learning from this activity. (totalling 15 points )


Vicky Coxon

Member Services and Events Coordinator Cardiff

+44 (0)1344 630850

[email protected]


  • Agenda
    Networking Lunch
    Welcome from CIOB Wales Chair & CEO CIOB
    • Caroline Gumble, CEO
    • Wyn Harries, FCIOB
    Caroline has been with CIOB since 2019 and is responsible for the Institute’s leadership, supported by a team of directors and senior staff who are subject matter experts in their field. This appointment followed the extensive business leadership experience Caroline gained in the UK and overseas, within the automotive and capital goods sectors, and membership organisation leadership within EEF Ltd / Make UK. Caroline also serves as a Director of the Board of Trustees for the Institute of Export & International Trade, a Trustee of CIOB Assist (CIOB’s benevolent fund) and has been appointed as Visiting Professor of Global Engagement and Transformation – Built Environment at Loughborough University’s School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering. She also received, in 2023, an Honorary Doctor of Science award from the University of Wolverhampton.
    Address from CIOB President
    • Mike Kagioglou
    A passionate advocate of the importance of strong links between industry and academia, Mike has operated at the pinnacle of the higher education sector in the UK and abroad for almost 30 years. His career has seen him hold the positions of Dean of Art, Design and Architecture at the University of Huddersfield and Head of School of the Built Environment at the University of Salford, both in the UK. He also served as the Academic Director for Salford of the £11m EPSRC funded Health and Care Infrastructure Research and Innovation Centre between the Universities of Salford, Loughborough and Reading and Imperial College in London. Mike has been a CIOB Fellow since 2015. During his time as a CIOB member he has held other governance roles including Vice-Chair of the Innovation and Research Panel. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and holds several memberships of other important built environment sector bodies.
    Built environment economic outlook
    • Nick Bennett, Director Planning Economics, Savills
    He has 30 years experience in public policy, with a significant economic development and regeneration focus. He recently completed a full term as Public Services Ombudsman for Wales and was previously Chief Executive of Community Housing Cymru. He grew up on Anglesey and it still very proud of establishing Menter Mon rural development agency. Nick has a passion for economic development and provides strategic advice to a range of clients involved in regeneration and economic development in Wales and the South West. He spent 5 years in Brussels at the Wales European Centre lobbying for more regional aid for Wales, was Special Adviser to the Economic Development Minister and Deputy First Minister in the first devolved coalition government and has also been a Member of the Welsh Language Board and Ofcom Advisory Board for Wales and has been a member of a number of Welsh Government Commissions including the All Wales Convention and the Public Services Commission.
    Constructing Wales: Risks & Opportunities for SMEs in Wales
    • Stuart Brown FCIOB
    • David Kirby
    In Wales, the majority of enterprises across all sectors are SMEs, and this is even more true of the construction sector. These enterprises face growing pressure and struggle to leverage the same access to procurement processes as larger competitors. When coupled with current economic pressures, construction SMEs in Wales have experienced significant failures in recent years. Recently published CIOB research explores the reasons behind this, and what these organisations can do to minimise their risk. Stuart’s 20+ year career has culminated in role as Director-Project Management at JLL, where he manages a £MM project portfolio, offering comprehensive client-side Project Management and Contract Administration for some of the UK's most ambitious developments. David Kirby leads the CIOB’s work with policymakers and key stakeholders in Wales, and is responsible for undertaking research that helps CIOB understand the policy issues across the construction sector and built environment.
    Retrofit – The Damp & Mould Dilemma
    • Prof John Edwards
    Nearly every week we can see news stories on social media about damp, mould and condensation in properties which have been retrofitted. Is it because standards are not good enough? Is it because standards aren’t being complied with? Or is it both? Whatever the reason, it has led to poor health for occupants and putting properties into disrepair. In this presentation these problems will be explored as well as exploring the means to reduce these risks going forward. Our speaker is Prof John Edwards, MA, DipBldgCons, CEnv, FCIOB, FRICS, IHBC, Director and Head of Building Consultancy Edwards Hart Consultants. John has a professor role at UWTSD, and is Director of Studies at the Environment Study Centre, is Chair of the IHBC Technical panel and a Board member of the Sustainable Traditional Buildings Alliance. He's been retrofitting buildings since the 1980’s, is a member of panels producing the RICS Residential Retrofit Standard, BSI’s PAS 2030, PAS PAS 2035, PAS 2038 and the new BS40104
    Comfort Break and Refreshments
    Contract Knowledge – JCT updates
    • Philip Graham, Acuity Law
    Philip is the leading partner in Acuity’s Construction litigation team. Philip has a wealth of experience in all forms of construction litigation and dispute resolution, with a particular specialism in delay-related claims and final account disputes. Prior to joining Acuity in April 2022, he headed up an established construction practice for 10 years, regularly acting in complex construction matters arising from multimillion-pound disputes. Philip has extensive experience working across JCT, NEC and FIDIC forms of contract, in addition to bespoke conditions while acting for developers, public bodies, main contractors, subcontractors, design professionals, bondsmen and high-net-worth individuals. He has acted on matters across the UK, as well as in Europe and Africa. During his career, Phillip has presented seminars to the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors upon NEC and JCT contract terms. He has been noted in The Legal 500 for nearly 10 years as a Leading Individual in his field.
    Tomorrow’s Leaders Breakout Session – Talent Management /Career Enhancement
    Building a safer Wales – Building Safety Act – Panel Discussion
    • Mark Tambini
    • David Hartill
    • William Tomlinson
    • Peter Dawber
    Mark Tambini joined Welsh Government in 2024 as the Head of Building Regulations Policy. He has over 20 years’ experience in the construction industry, which includes working in the building control sector and as a civil and structural engineering design consultant. Prior to moving to his current position in government, Mark was responsible for building control services as a Regional Director covering Wales and South West England. He currently oversees the development and introduction of key legislation relating to the Building Safety Act, is actively involved in ongoing technical reviews of the Approved Documents in Wales, and sits on the Building Safety Operational Leadership Board at Welsh Government. He also leads Welsh Government involvement in the Consortium of European Building Control, and is an observer on multiple cross-government working groups and committees.
    Closing address
    Complimentary drink and networking