Future of construction Consultation closed 24/11/24

Response to DBT consultation on Invest 2035: the UK's modern industrial strategy

David Barnes

(Acting) Head of Policy & Public Affairs

Last updated: 26th November 2024

The industrial strategy is the UK government’s proposed 10-year plan for the economy. It aims to deliver the certainty and stability businesses need to invest in the high-growth sectors and drive long-term economic growth. We want to hear your views on our proposals. The final industrial strategy will be published in spring 2025, alongside the multi-year spending review.

CIOB responded to the consultation which closed on 25 November 2024. Our main points focused on the lack of recognition about the importance of the construction sector and the data that was used to determine its value

The CIOB's full response can be downloaded to the right of this page.

CIOB response to DBT consultation on Invest 2035: the UK's modern industrial strategy