You're a Champion for Tomorrow's Leaders
It is official you're a champion for Tomorrow's Leaders! We have created this page to give you ideas on how to get involved with the CIOB, and to help you promote your new status showcasing the opinions and views of young professionals around the globe.
What to promote
You're a Champion and that means you will be working closely with your local hub and the broader Tomorrow's Leaders community to deliver events, presentations, capturing new ideas and sharing best practice. All of these actions have potential for you to promote the work of this exciting community and your own profile along the way.
As a first step we encourage you to share your new status as a Champion and in so doing you'll be promoting the Tomorrow's Leaders network too. We have crafted some suggestions and graphics for you further down this page.
How connected are you?
Make sure you are connected to the various CIOB social media groups we have and to our main accounts. Our groups, especially in LinkedIn, are there for you to make the most of. You can find our advice for connecting with us locally in social media and all of our various accounts on this handy link below. Here is your shortcut to all our accounts, just click.
Our main accounts

Our top 3 tips for social media
1 - News people can use
Try to keep your posts simple, informative, and just think about what you would find interesting as a reader. Most of us make a call on whether to read a social media post in just a couple of seconds. So make sure yours grabs attention.
2 - Share video, pictures and graphics
Video content is the most engaged with content in social media. But if you are not prepared to make a film then your next best option is to choose a good image to support your post. Photos of people, projects and data can be highly engaging and will add something to your post.
3 - Use hashtags and namecheck other people
Leverage your networks by name checking people in the activity and use hashtags like #CIOB #Construction and #Building to join a bigger conversation.
Don't forget commenting on someone else's post is a great way of entering a conversation and extending your own reach.
Please don't...
- Set up your own social media group, instead join the bigger conversation and take part in our social media groups above. We will not share content or support unofficial (not CIOB managed) groups.
- Don't use the CIOB logo and brand inappropriately. We guard the CIOB logo and branding carefully and do not accept alterations or additions to its look and feel. Contact the CIOB Tomorrow's Leaders team for further advice.
CIOB Connect - An Apportunity for you
Within the CIOB mobile app, CIOB Connect, you can discover the latest industry news, networking opportunities and training. But more than that there are specific Forum's for our Tomorrow's Leaders community to engage with each other, share ideas and discuss challenges. Make sure you add your voice as a Champion to this forum encouraging others to take part too. Our CIOB App is available in both the Google Play and Apple App store. You can find out more by visiting this link.

You're in the driving seat - what will you do?
There are lots of opportunities for you to grow your influence, networks and to affect real change. Whether that is through a CIOB event, within our boards and governance, contributing to our magazines, or in social media. There are plenty of options available for you to make the most of.
Things we would love to see more of...
- Be vocal and share your opinion - you could comment on articles in our magazines (Construction Management Magazine, Global Construction Review, CIOB People or BIM+). Or go a step further and pitch a story idea to our editorial teams.
- Contribute to a CIOB or industry event to promote the work of Tomorrow's Leaders and the young professionals view.
- Support our awards and competitions that recognise the rising stars of this industry. Encouraging talented people to enter them so we can celebrate their achievements. In particular our Global Student Challenge and Rising Stars award are both platforms for international stardom.
- Get active with social media. Whether that is through our own CIOB groups or by tagging us into posts you make elsewhere. Help us create a dynamic conversation where ideas are shared and problems are solved.
- Publish your own content. If you want to inspire the next generation to join this industry why not make a film of your own career journey. That could be content the CIOB can amplify from our own accounts. Just make sure you #CIOB.
Graphics made just for you
Download these graphics and use them in social media to give your posts extra oomph. We have written some suggested posts below to give you inspiration.
It feels great to support the CIOB’s Tomorrow’s Leaders community as a champion. If you want to build professionalism in construction and benefit from being part of a community of likeminded professionals then reach out to me, and we can take the next steps together.
Our suggestion for a short social media post
There is always something new to learn in construction and often that is from other people’s experiences. I am proud to be a champion for the CIOB Tomorrow’s Leaders community. This community of likeminded professionals is a gateway to all kinds of knowledge, connections and inspiration. If you want to support the uptake of professional standards as an early career achievement, and enhance the pipeline of high-quality construction talent, connect with me and we can take the next steps together.
Our suggestion for a longer social media post
Films to promote a career in construction
If you are looking for films to help you as a Champion to promote a career in construction to a younger audience then have a look at what some of our friends and partner organisations have produced in this space. Let us know if you have other examples that we can list here too.