CIOB delivering quality construction apprenticeships
Ensuring apprenticeship graduates are competent and qualified.
As an Apprenticeship Provider and Assessment Register (APAR) approved apprenticeship training provider, CIOB prides itself on its quality of apprenticeship delivery. Our curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of each individual learner while ensuring that the Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviours (KSBs) are taught.
Construction apprenticeship benefits
At the beginning of the apprenticeship, personal development and learning styles are core subjects, aiding apprentices in planning their personal and professional development, creating personal development plans, SWOT analysis, skills scans, and CPD logs.
The schemes of work are planned to allow for rolling new starts with sequencing and recapping. Supporting this, classes are online with learners being consulted in the delivery throughout the apprenticeship. Various methods of assessment are used, including questioning, quizzes, class exercises, learning coach observations, written assignments, worksheets, and mock End Point Assessments (EPA), ensuring apprenticeship portfolios are aligned to the KSBs of the occupational standard.
For each standard, there is some self-directed learning consisting of research activities and the completion of e-learning activities. Directed learning takes place during Masterclass sessions and one-to-one portfolio-building sessions. Directed learning is then contextualised to the workplace during tutorial sessions. Progress reviews, in conjunction with the e-portfolio dashboard, are used to track and monitor the individual learner.
Safeguarding is embedded through several ways, including progress reviews and ICT online safety. Career development goals are identified at the induction phase and reviewed throughout the learning journey, with careers advice sessions provided at the halfway stage and the exit interview stage. British Values are embedded during relevant regulations, learning meetings, and masterclass discussions.
Progressive knowledge is tracked through tripartite reviews and mapping, together with interactive Q&A sessions. Formative feedback is given on portfolio development and project work completed, incorporating SPAG.
EPA preparation sessions are scheduled throughout the apprenticeship, with a full mock EPA being completed with the learner as they near the end of their apprenticeship. This mock EPA is completed by an independent assessor to add realism and stretch and challenge the apprentice. We support the learner throughout the journey to prepare them for the EPA. Individual, pair, and group discussions form part of the training sessions, focusing on summative and formative assessments, preparing the learner for the final EPA process.
Specialist Learning Coaches
Learning coaches are subject area specialists who are also industry experts and passionate about their specialisms. They are dedicated to delivering meaningful outcomes for all, offering a range of delivery methods tailored to apprentice and employer needs. Each learner receives a face-to-face curriculum planning session with a learning coach to design a bespoke individual training plan tailored to the apprentice's work-based tasks associated with their job. Any gaps in the KSBs are identified, and suitable job rotations are arranged to ensure the apprentice is provided with full exposure to prepare them for their EPA.
A robust recruitment and onboarding system
At the recruitment stage, learners undergo a robust onboarding system where their prior experience is mapped, and their aspirations, career goals, and job roles are matched to the most relevant apprenticeship standard. Through BKSB, English and Maths levels are identified, and learners are put through skills scans/learning styles to identify any relevant prior learning and development needs.
A formal induction takes place for every apprentice, including an IAG session surrounding the standard with the employer, apprentice, learning coach, and apprenticeship support officer. Training is also provided on how to use the CIOB apprenticeship management system, EOS. Learners also complete e-learning on E&D, H&S, Safeguarding, and British Values.
CIOB adopts a thorough screening process to determine any additional support/learning needs at the early stages of recruitment/placement. We are passionate about ensuring all apprentices have a meaningful learning journey/outcome with us and detecting any additional support at the recruitment stage allows us to deliver tailored apprenticeships, eliminating any barriers to learning.
Supportive learning environment
Every learner is afforded the opportunity to be stretched and challenged on each element of the syllabus, delivered in groups or individually. Additional sessions are provided to learners with ALS requirements to ensure they have an opportunity to have one-to-one support if needed.
Learners with dyslexia are provided with different coloured overlays and encouraged to install Grammarly to proofread their work. Any learner requiring functional skills has access to the BKSB learning portal and regular dedicated functional skills sessions. Feedback is recorded on the portfolio evidence produced, which is shared with the employer during the tripartite progress reviews. One-to-one review sessions are available on demand but scheduled monthly to recap and aid long-term memory.
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